
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Interview with Chunjay, frontman of conscious, American hip-hop group, Royal Ruckus

See our previous interview with Chunjay here:
Interview with Chunjay of Royal Ruckus

Love Music : We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice you're starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

Thanks so much for the feature. The thing that I always find amazing is the connection between a musician and the listener. When I pour my heart, soul, and creativity into a song or bigger project, and someone takes the time to reach out and say, "You know, I really love that one song, and it reminds me of something I went through," or even just a, "Hey, that one song is really funny, I shared it with all my friends," it's just incredible. I do this music thing a little bit for me, and a little bit for the listener, and it makes it all worth it when others notice and enjoy it.

Love Music : Can you please tell us about your new EP?

Sure, it's called World's Okayest Rapper, and is a 7-song collaboration with my long-time friend CookBook of LA Symphony. He produced the music and vocals, and all around just made everything that much more amazing. It's really fun for me to work with him, because when we were getting started, we really looked up to LA Symphony, and Pigeon John, another member of their crew, was very helpful to us back then, even producing a demo for us back in the day. So to work with another member of LAS, and one that I've done several songs with before, is just fun and a great way to continue on this Ruckus journey.

The record is a little bit of humor, a little bit of heartbreak, a little bit of love for my parents, siblings, and nieces, and all love for the world and everyone in it.

Love Music : What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far? 

Oh gosh, there have been so many amazing highlights. Festivals, Nashville music business stuff, collaborations with amazing arts, the list goes on. But really, there is nothing better than what I said a minute ago: connecting with a listener. Last year, I played a show near Chattanooga, TN, and this fella came out for his 30th birthday, and had been listening to us since he was in high school. We had a chance to visit, and that sort of thing really encourages me.

Love Music : How do you achieve your goals? 

I'm actually chasing a number of goals. I have a weekly phone call with a group of guys, called Goal 100. It's a goal setting accountability group, and we check in with each other in the various areas we are trying to challenge ourselves. I have goals related to my job, my music, and my personal life, which includes physical and spiritual dimensions.

Love Music : When you're writing a song, how do you know it's your best work?

That's tricky, because it's hard for me to be objective about my songwriting. Usually when I write a song, I mull it over for months and months, and gradually refine the lyrics in multiple sessions. Sometimes in the process, I decide to throw away a whole song or verse, and start from scratch. A lot of times the future writing sessions blow the older sessions out of the water. Finally, with this record, World's Okayest Rapper, and the previous one, The Summer of the Cicadas, I worked with in-studio producers to refine my lyrics and delivery, and that's how it gets to be the best it can be!

Love Music : Did you choose this industry as a career or as a hobby?

I suppose it's a little bit of both. It's been a career and a hobby, depending on the time, and the line between those two isn't always clear, as most independent musicians can attest. The main self-criticism I have on this, however, is that I didn't have a clear vision of what I wanted early on, and was willing to settle for either. Never settle. Choose. And then go get it.

Love Music : What kind of training have you had?

I grew up taking drum lessons, and even played in the orchestra at my high school. I also took piano lessons for a few years. I can't stress enough how important playing an instrument can be for a young cat coming up, if it all that is available. It's great for enjoying music, helps with math, and just helps to make a more well-rounded person. I highly recommend it.

Love Music : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional musician?

First of all, nobody will take you seriously if you don't. You can overdo it, but believe in what you're doing. Second, live and breathe the music. Finally, surround yourself with people who are on the same path as you or who have achieved the results you want. Convince them to mentor you, and follow their advice.

Love Music : Everybody needs time away. Where do you like to travel?

Well, I love traveling to play shows. Touring has shown me parts of this world I would never have seen otherwise. So that's a huge deal to me, and something I endeavor to keep doing in the future. I also have friends or family all over the US, so I usually try to go at least once a year to California, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana, and the last few years I've also had time for Texas and a few other places. I'd really like to go back to Hawaii soon, but with the volcanic eruptions lately, I'm not sure how soon I'll get back to the Big Island.

Love Music : Are you active on social media? 

Yeah, very much so. Here's a list of relevant sites and such:

Music videos:

I really appreciate you featuring me again! You're the best!

Ricardo Reyes from Guatemala has signed with Hollywood label

Now the Guatemalan Artist Ricardo Reyes set his goal towards an International Career and a place on the Hollywood Music-Scene. Ricardo Reyes has signed an Exclusive Deal with XCX Artists and together with the well renowned Hollywood Music Producer Geo Slam. The recording of new music with an International Sound is in progress.

Geo Slam is a Swedish Record Producer/Songwriter based in Los Angeles. He has worked with many of the world’s best-selling recording artists (including One Direction, Jason Derulo and the BackStreet Boys etc) and has contributed to an array of popular albums that have earned gold, platinum and even multi-platinum certification internationally.

“Never in the history an Guatemalan Artist has made it to Hollywood so a collaboration like this is quite unique,” says Ricardo Reyes Management-Team. “We are sure it will send an inspirational message to the youth of Guatemala that Everything and Anything is possible if you just follow your dreams and work hard.”

This collaboration will also potentially open doors and build bridges between Hollywood and Guatemala, and put Guatemala on the map for the US Music Industry and the rest of the world.

Monday 28 May 2018

Interview with Revilution - A stylistically unique Rock & Roll Band

Love Music : How and When did Revilution begin?

REVILUTION officially started in October of 2011. The concept and name of the band had actually come to me a few months prior out of frustration at my inability to get accepted into bands I had been auditioning for. I had also begun working on new songs, and needed a way to record them. Upon hearing of this,Marie bought a 16-track digital recorder, and REVILUTION was born.

Love Music : Have you worked with someone inspirational in your music career? and who do you get the most inspiration from?

Thanks to Rock And Roll Fantasy Camp, I've had the fortune to meet and work with quite a few artists that inspired me, including Gene Simmons, Sebastian Bach, Kane Roberts, and Kip Winger. There are also a few local musicians that I'm good friends with, such as Matthew Montoya (Radium), and watching them stick with it and continue moving ahead despite the brutality of this industry continues to give me hope for my future in it. But I probably get the most inspiration from Phil Soussan, formerly of Ozzy Osbourne and Vince Neil's solo band, and current bassist for Last In Line. He's ridden the highs and lows of the industry, performing and recording with one of the biggest acts in the world during the metal heyday of the '80s (and being self-confident enough to leave it before he could get hosed by the management of the same act). I've seen him perform in small restaurants in Sherman Oaks as well as the Whisky A Go Go, and he's currently on a European tour with Last In Line. He's stuck to his guns, gotten in where he fit in, and never, ever, given up.

Love Music : You are working on a new EP, Tell us about the process?

Honestly, this is a new thing for me, working with an outside producer. Up to this point I've done everything myself; performing all the instruments (except on "GirlStuff," "Mother Freedom," and "Walking Dead"), recording, mixing, and mastering. Two of the three songs we're recording are already in our set list, so the whole band is familiar with them.

Love Music : Tell us about the crowd response to your music when playing live?

We've always gotten great response and feedback from our live shows. It's great when I can look out onto the floor and see members of other bands getting into our stuff, bobbing their heads, tapping the tables with their hands, that kind of thing. It's even better when they come up afterward and tell us how much they enjoyed our stuff! 

Love Music : How often and for how long do you practice?

As a band, we practice once a week for about two hours, going through the entire set list and working out problem areas in songs when they crop up. Everyone also puts in time working stuff out at home, so every practice we sound like we've been practicing together several times a week. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by musicians who are so dedicated, and better than me, to boot!

Love Music : What do you all do in your spare time when not working on your music career?

I like to work on vintage cars and stereo equipment (I'm listening to a reel-to-reel tape deck I restored myself as I write this). Scott is pretty much all music, all the time, composing songs for other bands and background music for radio stations. Mikey likes to ride his bicycle out in the open air. Joe likes to race cars and be outdoors, and he enjoys exploring the places around LA for food and unique things to do.

Love Music : You have recently signed on with BSquaredMGMT. What are your plans for the future?

We plan to be putty in Birdee Bow's hands haha! Seriously, we'd love to do all the things our heroes do; record, tour, do interviews, with the added benefit of making a living off our music, which is seemingly rare these days. Myself, I plan to change the face of the industry, showing the world that there is still great music being made by good musicians, people that can actually play and sing and write great, hooky songs with memorable riffs and awesome energy! 

Love Music : Any expected release date of your new music?

I don't have an expected release date yet, but I'm pretty sure we'll have music ready very quickly once we can get in the studio. We all know our stuff very well, so the process should be pretty smooth.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Interview with Tim Spriggs

Love Music : Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc. ??

I grew up in a small town, Halls Gap has a population of around 600 people. I think being creative was kind of what I did to keep myself entertained. I grew up around a lot of music and saw quite a lot of bands and artists growing up, I don't think there was any particular moment that made me decide to create music of my own. Just a collection of experiences and things that all fell into place. I've created and produced music as a hobby, on and off for around 20 years now, but I've only just decided to pursue it properly.

Love Music : We've been hearing a lot about you, so we notice you're starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

To be honest I probably enjoy the creative side of music the most, theres much quicker and better ways to get attention than creating the type of music I do, in the way that I do it. I'm not a big fan of personal attention, I'd prefer if the songs themselves are what grabs peoples attention.

Love Music : Please tell us more about your EP " Something Else "? 

The EP is a collection of songs that I've mostly written over the past year, I had initially already written an EP, but decided those songs were better suited for an album. While I was in the middle of recording I was also going through and cleaning up a bunch of old songs I had, and made the last minute decision to add the last song which was written at least 4 years ago. The songs are about different things, I'll let the listener interpret it for themselves.

Love Music : Who are your musical inspirations?

I grew up listening to a lot of heavier music, only in the last 5 or so years I've gained an interest and appreciation of melody. It's amazing what you can do with the right chords and a great melody. As far as inspirations I'm inspired by whatever I hear and like, it doesn't matter who wrote it.

Love Music : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional musician ?

I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask that question, like with anything I think the answer is to just keep learning and applying what you learn, don't give up.

Love Music : What motivates you to do your best work as producer & actor?

Why not aim big, everything you do kind of defines you. You can aim small and still fail, theres no harm in trying.

Love Music : If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be?

I wanted to perform on the late show with David Letterman, I loved that show ever since I was a kid and used to find ways to convince my dad to let me stay up and watch it. That's no longer a possibility, but I suppose wherever my music takes me.

Love Music : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

I don't have a lot of hobbies outside of music, I enjoy going to the movies where you can sit down and watch without distractions, I'm also a fan of MMA. Despite the boneheaded nature of it, it's quite analytical when you get into it. I love to travel and see new places.

Love Music : What are your future plans ? Your vision for the coming years.

Theres a lot I want to do and I'd do it all if I had the time. I hope to put out a few albums, maybe write a book at some point. I think the best we can do is to just move forward.

Love Music : Are you active on social media? 

Yes you can find links to all that at

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Interview with Illuminati Beatz

Love Music : We been hearing a lot about Illuminati Beatz, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

It feels great, but we still have a lot of work to do.

Love Music : What are your goals as " Illuminati Beatz "?

We just want to do our part and provide quality music for the fans.

Love Music : How would you describe your musical style? 


Love Music : What are you working on now ?

Various projects

Love Music : What motivated yall to build " Illuminati Beatz "?

The moment we started taking music seriously as a business, Illuminati Beatz was born.

Love Music : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional songwriter ?

Hard work pays off.

Love Music : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Free time? We're always working.

Love Music : Where do you see Illuminati Beatz in five to 10 years  time ?


Love Music : Are you active on social media? 

Follow us on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @illuminatibeatz

Saturday 5 May 2018

Satish Dat Beast - All The Fine Ladies

Watch and enjoy talented Satish Dat Beast video All The Fine Ladies on vevo:

This is All the Fine Ladies by Satish Dat Beast aka Go Go Satish aka DJCAVALIER. You can also watch this outstanding performance by Go Go Satish on YouTube: