
Monday 18 May 2020

Interview with Christine Reidhead

Love Music: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, your passion etc. ?? 

I’m from Benson, Arizona which is a small town in southern Arizona. During my younger years, I was an athlete and played a variety of sports prior to college. I then went on to pursue my degree and got the chance to play basketball while in college. I’m very passionate about learning and growing in all aspects of my life, and that’s why I find myself pushing boundaries. I have a huge drive for success which is where, I believe,my love for work comes in. My work ethic was instilled by my step-father, Leland. He worked us like crazy as kids and I hated it, at the time, but I realize now that it runs through my veins. If I’m not working, I think something is wrong with me for not being as productive as I should be. I also like to challenge myself, set goals and achieve things that seem impossible. 

Love Music: We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel? 

You know, I feel blessed. So many great people have come into my life that have taught me how to deal with work, home life and projects that I am so passionate about. Because of them, I feel I wouldn’t be where I am today. I can see their influences play out at different times throughout my life. They have helped shape and mold me into the person I am today. I just feel very grateful and want to use what they’ve taught me to help others, and to help provide hope to those who are in need and who are suffering. And, I also like to help others accomplish their dreams.

Love Music: Can you please tell our readers more about "AfrikRising"? 

AfrikRising was started a little over a year ago. A group of us wanted to make a difference,particularly, with young children in dire need of help. I’m very blessed to have such a great team of people that have the same mindset to help others in need. AfrikRising wouldn’t be here without them. It was a challenging year as it was our first year getting started while accomplishing projects in different parts of Africa. But we’ve learned to make adjustments and found ourselves making positive change in many people’s lives.  We are very grateful for our donors who help make the projects possible. We have already impacted hundreds and hundreds of children’s lives, and are excited to continue to do good.

Love Music: What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ? 

I honestly can’t pinpoint specific achievements as I have a great group of supporters that help me work on various projects and activities. However, seeing excited and happy faces on the children is what makes our mission all worthwhile. 

Love Music: What’s your goal in life you want to achieve next? 

A huge goal on my list would be to open a trades school in Nigeria, Africa. We have an excellent team located in Nigeria that has been working diligently with the surrounding communities. I believe the trades school will certainly help those in poverty by getting them started on an educational track that will enable them to become qualified to obtain an entry-level job. They then can help support their own families. The average African makes $1.25 a day. They need our help! This trades school will be sustainable where Africans will help Africans. 

Love Music: What motivates you to do your best work as a CEO of AfrikRising? 

Just the opportunity to serve others motivates me. I always love seeing the joy on peoples’ faces as you serve others. It’s the best feeling in the world. I just think if that was me as a young ten-year-old African child, in an orphanage, I would hope that someone would come and help me. Not only that, but to come and give me a shot at life and bring me a little bit of hope for a brighter future. Most of those children will be born into poverty and die in poverty in the second most poverty stricken country in the world. 

Love Music: What's the reason behind writing this book “GET THAT JOB! ACE Your JOB Interview – Every Time!? 

I want to help college students become successful. If they haven’t had a job interview to date, they’ll soon find out that it could be somewhat intimidating. This book was inspired to help them gain confidence.

Love Music: Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time? 

I can’t say that I have any time to settle down a bit because I’m always thinking about the next project, activity or meeting that’s coming up. I do turn on the TV to wind down a bit.

Love Music: How can people find you and follow you online? 

They can find me on my website:
Our nonprofit AfrikRising at:
Tips to starting college:

Thursday 7 May 2020

Interview with SIJU

Love Music: Can you please tell our readers more about "Dance ft Scofad"?

The whole concept behind dance is a guy who missed his ex at some point after the breakup, when they broke up, it killed him but at the end,he pulled through. And now he’s reminiscing on all the sweet and bitter moments they had and he’s asking his ex, where did we go wrong in our relationship? How did it all disappear?

Love Music: Tell us a little bit about yourself. music passion etc. ??

What’s to know about siju lol? I’m just a normal guy who wants to make people happy and give people good vibes when they listen to my music. Well I love music because ever since I was young, music calms me down whenever I’m feeling off. And I so happen to have talented friends around me, creating music with them just gives me the best feeling, the energy in the room, the fun way of making it, it’s amazing really!

Love Music: We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

Lol I don’t feel nothing. Well I try not to feel anything. I don’t let it get to me honestly, it’s pressure on me knowing quite a number of people are listening to my music, so I don’t let it get to me.

Love Music: Any upcoming project?

Well personally, definitely, but when? Who knows, I love surprising my fans, so watch out! I am also a part of a collective called W.A.1[we are one], we are 5 in number and all I can say is Be ready! Our Ep drops soon! Watch out for us!

Love Music: What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?

Hmmm, well this is haaardddd, because I have quite a number! But it was my first time Performing, I just finished performing ‘BUMPA TO BUMPA’ By W.A.1 and some other tracks, with all the members of the group, and when we finished, the host asked the crowd “did you guy enjoy the last performance?” They all shouted “BUMPA TO BUMPA!!” I was speechless to be honest.

Love Music: What motivates you to do your best work?

Honestly, the beat! If the beat has a sexy bass mixed with some nice instruments! Oh my my! That motivates me to kill that beat!

Love Music: Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby?

Honestly, wherever life takes me, I go.

Love Music: Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Play PlayStation! Always try to get better at my craft, read more, practice more, and probably just go through my social media.

Love Music: How can people find you and follow you online?

Well my Instagram and W.A.1’s Instagram is @siju_1 and @wa1official
Scofads Instagram is @scofad.

Monday 4 May 2020

Interview with Ina of KingQueen

Love Music: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, your passion etc. ??

I'm Ina of KingQueen. Lead singer of rock band KingQueen and I also release multi genre music as a solo artist which you can find under Ina of KingQueen.

Love Music: We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

Attention always feels good. It means I can reach more people with my art and hopefully help someone who's going through a rough time and needs some lifting up.

Love Music: Can you please tell our readers more about "One Day"?

One Day is one of my more important songs. I usually don't have favorites. But it truly describes my feelings 100%. I'm not one to ever call myself a victim. I would never change anything bad that's ever happened to me. It's made me stronger, now don't mistake this for a thank you to the monsters treating me like sh*t. But it's an anthem to everyone who's been kicked at. It's an anthem saying "no matter what you did to me you didn't break my spirit".

Love Music: Any upcoming project?

Tons! About to release 3 singles with my rock band KingQueen. And a music video for our track "Roller Coaster". Also releasing a soccer anthem for the Swedish soccer team Helsingborgs IF. That will be a track I release solo.

Love Music: What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?

Can't choose. The journey is always exciting. The rehearsals, the big shows, the small shows. Touring. Performing local. Radio shows. Award shows. TV.. They all bring something different to the table and satisfies different feelings. Impossible to choose. 

Love Music: What’s your goal in life you want to achieve next?

My goal has always been to be in the moment and appreciate everything I have done and have so far. It's been something in the past I couldn't do. I would always plan the next move without enjoying where I was at. So this is where I am now. Happy in the moment. Life is longer this way and happiness doesn't come from constantly having a goal but appreciating what we can do today, in this very moment.

Love Music: What motivates you to do your best work?

Making people feel like they belong and that my art lifts them up. Just the connection with the audience. It's very special. 

Love Music: Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby?

I don't think I could ever look at this as a career or hobby. It's my drug. It’s part of me. It's just life of an artist. You do art, you are art.

Love Music: Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Music haha... well I love working out! And spend time with my animals. Or doing something crafty. 

Love Music: How can people find you and follow you online?

Instagram: @ina.kingqueen