Thursday, 15 August 2019

Interview with Amanda McCarthy

Love Music : Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, music passion etc. ?? 

I’ve been into music since I was a young kid. My parents did an amazing job at supporting my brother and I, but we didn’t have money pouring out of our pockets, you know? So I had basic voice lessons on and off for a few years, but I’m almost entirely self taught in songwriting and guitar. My biggest inspiration for diving into songwriting particularly was having an emotional outlet while processing sexual trauma that I hadn’t told anyone about yet. That’s hard enough for anyone to deal with, let alone a teenager. Once I knew I could apply my songwriting to anything and not just that particular pain, I was hooked. I was telling not just my own stories, but the stories of everyone around me as well. I was in college for a few years between different majors but ultimately dropped out to focus on music.

Love Music : We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel? 

I certainly don’t think I’m anything special in regards to the bigger picture of the industry, but I feel like since releasing my album Road Trip earlier this summer, a bit of progress and the next steps are beginning to show. I’m proud of what I’ve done and excited to see what’s coming up.

Love Music : Can you please let us know more about your debut full-length album, "Road Trip" ? 

Road Trip is the story of whatever the heck my life has been for the past 3-4 years. From leaving my first love, to wanting to see the world, to escaping an abusive relationship and conquering past demons, to learning how to truly love again. It’s certainly been a trip and it unapologetically addresses each stop on the journey. It’s definitely a bit of a story/concept album if you follow along closely.

Love Music : How's your feeling when your music nominated for 59th Grammy Awards Nomination Ballot? 

To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a Nomination Ballot until I found out I was on it. The nomination ballot is the first round, happening behind industry doors, before the final nominees for the Grammy’s are announced. I was already psyched, then found out just this past March that I actually landed somewhere in the top 20 for the acoustic version of Elephant in the Room. Crazy crazy stuff. I was at a conference in NJ and I called my mom and cried, lol.

Love Music : What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ? 

Definitely the Grammy Nomination Ballot a few years back, along with releasing Road Trip and recently being nominated for three New England Music Awards and five Josie Music Awards. 

Love Music : What’s your goal in life you want to achieve next? 

My next goal in life is to FULLY focus on my original music specifically. I play a lot of private or low-key gigs where I perform mostly covers for patrons in restaurants, but I know that my original music has potential and I want to really transition into doing more of that and being a true artist along with a professional musician.

Love Music : Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby? 

It started as a hobby, but as soon as I knew that I could make it into a career with enough persistence, I dove in full force.

Love Music : What motivates you to do your best work as a storyteller? 

My emotions fuel my stories. I can write about things that didn’t happen to me specifically, but I take on an “acting” approach of fully immersing myself in the topic or story at hand. I love finding a hook that’s catchy and easy to remember, but crafting an honest and compelling story around it that’s likely much deeper than what people probably think it is.

Love Music : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time? 

I love reading, writing poetry, spending time at the beach and taking a nice bath with a bath bomb to relax.

Love Music : How can people find you and follow you online? 

My general website is - I am on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @amandamcmusic - and my album “Road Trip” is available on Spotify, iTunes/AppleMusic, Bandcamp, GooglePlay, Amazon and all other music streaming sites.


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