Friday 27 December 2019

Interview with Ras Au-t Amam MFA Indegenius

Love Music: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, passion etc. ?? 

Greetings. I'm your old man Ras Au-t Amam MFA Indegenius. I'm an executive producer, performing artist and comedian. I'm from Washington DC nation's capital of the USA where I was educated in all private schools and Universities. During this time I recognized my fortune in the chance to have such a good education and I made the decision that it was important for me to make more of an achievement than my parents had before me. 

Now since both my parents had graduated High School and college and were both gainfully employed, I understood the greater impact for me and for slave descended people is to OWN something. So I decided that I would be an entrepreneur and turned my education toward that goal figuring I would perfect my production skills so that I would have the highest quality of product and be able to work independently, directly with my clients.  And I was again fortunate to be able to move for a short time to the Bay area California with my wife and son and pursue my Master's degree.

After completing my Master's degree in new media, I returned to DC and continued to struggle as an artist working to get my graphic, apparel, and media works out to the public as an independent creative professional. But this time it was different. My second son was already 4 years old, my student loans were coming due and my expensive t-shirt printing machine turned out to be a short lived investment.

I was thinking that maybe I should just go work at Walmart and call it all a failure. I needed answers and I desperately wanted to satisfy and provide for my loved ones and have the cars, houses, and fancy things that my employee friends had. So I started into buying internet marketing courses, watching webinars and offers and I continued to struggle for 6 years studying, trying and buying courses and, luckily for me, continuing to make product.

Through much time and effort I finally discovered a secret that allowed me to begin to grow and change and sell my art online! And that secret was that I needed to effectively advertise. But not all advertisements or ad platforms are the same... So I began to develop systems for bringing certain messages to certain markets of people and this has allowed me to better seen, heard, and supported. And now people are experiencing years of work that I already have created.

So it has galvanized in me the directive that I must help my fellow artists and entrepreneurs to free themselves through better business and I make music to motivate my listeners to that purpose.

Love Music: Can you please tell us more about your first single? 

Thank you for asking.  I have a song that I've been talking about a lot called “Break Out”.It's a song about how the colonial system wants you to stay poor.  I'm encouraging you to take life into your own hands and stand up for what you believe in.  If you have the chance to listen to my song by going to my website you'll find that the song is a deep reggae groove but it's a new form of reggae sounding kind of similar to hip hop.  In the song, I tell you that you have all the opportunity in the world and if you need assistance you can call on me to help you get there.  

Love Music: Nice, Any upcoming project? 

This year I'm going to be embarking on some new projects for sure.  I'm continuing to work with the band, The Angelic Relic, we have a regular gig at a bar called Sandovan's here in Washington, DC.  In addition to that I did learn some things over the past few years that I think I'll help out a few of my musicians or entrepreneurs by saying here.

The saying that you are made stronger by making many products or creating many pieces yourself, on your own, is not necessarily true.  What I have found is that it is better to make collaborative works and therefore share market share with your would be competitors.

If you're a musician, hopefully that makes sense.  For my musician friends what I'm simply saying is make a song with somebody collaboratively.  OK?  So that's what I'm planning to get into this year and I am going to be instructing the artists that I work with at my studio, Au-t House, to do the same.

Love Music: Okay, what motivates you to do your best work as Executive producer? 

I have a burning desire for billions of people to see my work and experience it. But as I've spent many years crafting art, I've come to understand that my best opportunity to impact billions is to support the hundreds of entrepreneurs that are bringing their ideas to life.  So at this stage in my journey I'm using my script writing, networking, and technical ability to assist supporters of my DEEPFANEXPERIENCE with their businesses in the expectation that collectively we will reach billions.

Love Music: Great, What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far as a Comedian ? 

Coming to the understanding that “Funny is as Funny does” has been the greatest lesson for my entrepreneurship through my comedy.  What I'm saying is that if you're not funny, that's fine... because nobody knows until you admit it!

Working toward perfection is a good idea but it's better to take even a skeleton of your product to market and start to generate feedback and response from the concept.

That's what my form of comedy is all about; juggling concepts. .By giving a voice to unheard issues I'm allowing you to free your mind and emotions and get your business straight

Love Music: Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby? 

Interestingly enough I chose this industry but it took me a long time to ACT on my decision.  See where I grew up, the plan to be a professional entertainer was generally taboo. My people are all corporate professionals and the thought of the insecurity of working for oneself and being among “unholy” people to earn a living was generally looked at as a poor choice even if the talent to do so was there.

It was not until after years of personal tribulation did those around me begin to accept that I was only made to create the art that I do.  By this time is was much older and a family man so the decision became even harder to carry out.  But in the end I say to myself and to you my friend, be the truth of who you are and go into business for yourself.  You've only one life to live and being true to yourself fully is the greatest reward. So I make reggae to make people feel good and come to a higher form of themselves.

Love Music: Your favorite music Artist? 

Honestly I'm a lover of music in general but I'm not a follower of people. I'll tend to give any song a chance but the writer will take some time for me to remember. On the other hand I do pay much attention to the activities and movements of other entertainers. Right now I'm particularly enamored of the type of artists who take their art as an introduction to other entrepreneurial opportunities.
I teach the artists that I work with that your music is an attention grabber, an advertisement... It's your job as an artist in the new music industry to figure out how to be beneficial to your listeners in a way that impacts their lives. What I personally do is work closely with my listeners on their entrepreneurship. I'm doing my best through my songs to wake people up to being self-determined and carving out their own destiny by starting a business right now.
I honestly believe that by taking control of your own financial destiny you are taking back your mind and heart to accomplish the things we need to solve in these times.

Love Music: What’s your goal in life you want to achieve next as a performing artist? 

In my next phase of performance I am going to be collaborating with other bands and talents much more. I'm going to continue to write and produce the musical arrangements and hope that musicians that want to connect with me find me on LinkedIn... Ras Au-t Amam.

Love Music: Awesome, Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time? 

You know... It's interesting... Since I've been in business for myself, I've come to recognize that there is no such thing as free time!  Either I'm working on my business or thinking and philosophisizing about my business at every waking moment. And it's the most wonderful and freeing feeling!  My life isn't compartmentalized when I can have fun and dream and when I have to do what I do for my boss' orders.  I just dream and grow and dream some more.
I can't recommend entrepreneurship more highly if you have a talent or skill. And if you don't, there's so much information on the internet I bet you can develop one skill quickly. Then you'll be like me. :)
When I go to Jamaica next month to record and go to the beach, I'll be dreaming of my next big move and checking my totals from my Paypal accounts at the same time. Life and business are one and so much fun.

Love Music: How can people find you and follow you online? 

Thanks so much for letting me into your space today. If you want to understand why starting a business for yourself is the right idea, see my special message at-->>


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