Wednesday 30 October 2019

Interview with Frank Rocca

Love Music: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, passion etc. ??

I attended San Francisco State University cinema program. during the final semester I got a job at Xerox PARC in the creative services department. I Was learning so much about production post production animation and live broadcasting at PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) that one day I never went back to class at State. I think I was 5 credits short of graduating. But I was really influenced by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropping out so I just went with it. I think my family particularly my dad were scratching their heads.

Love Music: We heard your single Cocaina Queen so we thought we would ask you how it feels to have a song released with Sony/ Orchard?

It feels no different then before the release. It's just a process. The art is what gives me a sense of accomplishment and that was completed a few months back. The good feelings come during the creative process not after.

Love Music: Can you please tell us more about your new Single & Video “Cocaina Queen”?

Cocaina Queen is a song that was inspired by being in that lane for a period. Its complicated. But we have an English and Spanish language version. Overall I think its a good song that I can stand by creatively under the circumstances.

Love Music: Great, what motivates you to do your best work as a musician?

I have no clue. Likely the satisfaction. I have no idea what my best work is. I don't think I have done my best yet. but you never know. each time I work on a record I go into the studio knowing that this could be that one shit song.

Love Music: Nice, Any upcoming project?

The Album EP is titled Disruptive Technology. That would be the best answer for that multiple choice question.

Love Music: What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?

None of it is very exciting because we are just starting out. we are unknown and in a world with billions of people, very few people have heard our music or seen the art or animation that goes with it. But each day thanks to my publicist Reyna Trevino and the musicians and artist that I collaborate with the momentum is building. When at some point im looking into a sea of people looking back at me will be a good time to ask that question.

Love Music: Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby?

I've worked in the rap music part of this business for a while. I just got tiered of artist with a ton of talent not listening or following directions. There are a lot of components to this business and the ones who make it have to treat it as a 16 our a day job. So at some point I just had to do it myself so it would get done right. Its not about winning, its about consistently playing the game. If you do that then you win regardless.

Love Music: Your favorite quote?

You mean from lyrics? It would probably be from my favorite rapper. His name is C-BO. There are so many I would have trouble picking one. But if you listen to any of the early albums like The Autopsy, Tales From The Crypt, One Life To Live or Till The Casket Drop its all great quotes. I guess for now I would say a Led Zeppelin line in Over The Hills And Far Away: "Many is a word that only leaves you guessing, Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know".

Love Music: Awesome, Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Whatever Needs Doin and every now and then whoever needs it done to them,

Love Music: How can people find you and follow you online?

They can't find me online. I live in the physical world not a digital world. But they can find the music online by searching for it on apple music or tidal Spotify etc. I wouldn't suggest anyone follow me even though I know where I'm going. I'm pretty sure its a place where not too many people will want to go . . .


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