Tuesday 21 February 2017

Interview with Summaries

Love Music : Let’s talk a bit about you & your music and what is the secret behind your success ? 

I struggle with the word success. I don't like this question - what is the defining moment of success? It is different for each person. My success is when my son smiles and laughs, when I read a good book, when I feel okay with myself while others success can be much different.


Love Music : What are you working on now ?

My upcoming album " Attempts to Explain Existence"


Love Music : Please tell us more about, "SUMMARIES" ?

It's just me, I record all of the music. I started writing and recording when I was 17 but have grown up playing in bands and live shows at different venues. Summaries is my way of expressing certain situations, the discomfort, reality, questions, and my lack of coping skills.


Love Music : What motivates you to do your best work ?

Pain, anger, sadness.


Love Music : If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be?

Halloween USA


Love Music : Who are your musical inspirations ?

Many different groups - Monument Monument, Copeland, Lydia, Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Hendrix, Jazz, Backstreet Boys, Cindy Lauper


Love Music :At what point you decide to become an musician ?

I did not wake up and decide I would love to be a musician today. I have always had a creative way of looking at things, ever since I can remember. I do not think of myself as a musician.


Love Music : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional musician?

Don't strive to be a professional musician - It is not something that can be obtained through effort. Just be you. If your music is noticed by high uppers and they offer you a record deal - take it, or don't. Remember it's not all about the glamour and fame. It is simply about the music, maybe you can help someone who is lost and confused in this life while they listen to your music.


Love Music : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time ?

Watch Portlandia. My roommates are wild too - Dawn and Google +


Love Music : Are you active on social media? what’s the best way to follow you ?

Yes - "Summariesmusic" 


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